Golf 5 Forum

Golf 5 => Tutoriels => Modifications => Discussion démarrée par: AlexisP3869 le 26 décembre 2020 à 00:48:27

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: AlexisP3869 le 26 décembre 2020 à 00:48:27
Bonjour à tous,
Petit tutoriel mise en place pour rajeunir nos petites golfs !
Ce tuto écrit a été testé, réalisé et fonctionnel par mes soins et celui de Romuald (on le remercie car il a cherché longtemps et testé 2,3 blocs abs avant de trouver le bon mais a pu aider tout le monde à pouvoir réaliser ce swap !) et on remercie également KaiserZeus pour le codage et les aides précieuses qui ont pu aboutir au projet !

Ce tuto sera divisé en 3 parties :
1.   Recherche + références compatibles
2.   Changement de la partie électrique abs avant = Juin 2006 et/ou pontage de fil après 2006 sans esp
3.   Montage du compteur + adaptateur

! Avant toute chose, merci de d’abord lire entièrement ce tutoriel une fois avant d’effectuer les manipulations afin de savoir ceux que vous allez acheter/modifier, de plus nous ne pouvons être responsables des causes et dommages effectuées lors de votre montage !

-      Sur les Golfs 5 possédant l'ASR de 2003 jusqu'à Juin 2006 le changement du bloc ABS (partie electrique) est nécessaire
-      Sur les Golfs 5 possédant l’ESP avant et jusqu’à 2006 il y a seulement le pontage de fil à effectuer
-      Sur les Golfs 5 possédant l'ESP après 2006 aucune modification à faire sur le bloc abs (Plug&Play)

1. Recherche + références :

Tout d’abord nous allons commencer par les références possibles de compteur swapables sur nos golf 5 :

Exemple :     1k8 920 885 D
                  1kA BBB CDE h

A = Modèle :                B = Version du can Bus      C= graduation              D= affichage odb      E= Variante
1k8 = Compteur scirocco      920                           8 = km/h                 6 = petit odb              5 = Diesel
3C8 = Compteur Passat                                        9= mph                 7 = grand odb              4= Essence
1Q0 = Compteur EOS                              8 = grand odb couleur                                          3= Essence
1t0 = Compteur Tiguan               
2k0 = Compteur Caddy
(1k0 = Compteur Golf)   
Vous l’avez deviné, c’est un compteur de scirocco avec canbus 920 en km/h et un grand odb couleur en diesel

Certains compteurs par exemple Tiguan ou caddy n’ont pas la même forme au niveau de la vitre, il faut bien comparer la vitre d’un scirocco / golf 5 avec celle-ci, car ce format correspond généralement pour Golf 6 mais il y a juste à changer ou récuperer le contour de votre compteur et c'est bon
Pour généraliser et la faire courte sur internet on trouvera :

1k8 920 87x A/B/C/D de 0 jusqu’à 5 ce sont des compteurs NOIR & BLANC MFA 
1k8 920 88x A/B/C/D de 0 jusqu’à 5 ce sont des compteurs COULEUR MFA
1k8 920 885 ou 886 A/B/C/D ce sont des compteur COULEUR 3D MFA

À vous de trouver la bonne graduation sur les photos et si vous le souhaiter en couleur !

Compteur N&B SANS MFA :


Ce sont des compteurs sans menu, sans aucune options, identique au petit obd rouge de golf 5 avec seulement la vitesse instantanée en plus et également une boussole. (Perso je ne suis pas fan car esthétiquement pas jolie et le rapport codage adaptation n’est pas intéressant autant rester

Compteur N&B Avec MFA :


Un compteur noir et blanc scirocco coute entre 120€ et 150€ en moyenne, cela varie entre les vendeurs sur eBay, au Royaume Uni par exemple le prix est divisé par deux mais attention à bien récupérer les fonds de compteur en km/h et diesel dans certains cas

Compteur COULEUR avec MFA :


Exactement les mêmes fonctionnalités que le compteur noir et blanc mais il est en couleur. Beaucoup plus jolie, mais beaucoup plus chère car très rechercher (l’offre et la demande) cela varie entre 250 et 400€ (oui vous avez bien lu), mais on peut trouver des perles, à savoir dans des casses autos sur eBay, les vendeurs ne savent pas ce qu’ils vendent car la voiture est HS donc pas de test possible, juste la référence et avec celle-ci des fois on peut trouver comme moi à 74€ livré.

Compteur COULEUR 3D avec MFA :


Les mêmes fonctionnalités que le compteur Couleur mais l’affichage est en 3D (logo du véhicule, indication GPS) très très recherché, ma dernière recherche frôlait les 500/600€…

Compteur MFA :
Un compteur MFA est généralement le plus recherché car possède beaucoup d’options contrairement à un compteur classique (comme le petit odb rouge de nos golfs)

Qu’est-ce que l’odb mfa ? :
Permet de visualiser la piste audio en cours, téléphoner, afficher l’indication GPS, accès à la radio, température d’huile et surtout l’affichage dynamique des km/h depuis le compteur avec également des options activables et désactivables sans forcément avoir besoin de passer par le vagcom (exemple : durée leaving/coming home..)

Distinction des compteurs scirocco : 1 référence = 3 modèles (oui pas très malin le référencement) :

1.   Le premier style du compteur scirocco (2004 – 2009) est l’odb rouge, à savoir le même que le notre tout simplement sauf les contours sont argentés sur l’aiguille jauge de gasoil ainsi que la jauge du liquide de refroidissement, pas très intéressant pour un swap car il est identique que sur Golf 5
Il existe sans MFA avec MFA petit et grand obd
Sur cette photo c’est un MFA avec grand OBD


2.   Le second style du compteur scirocco (2009 – 2013) est celui avec l’écran centré entre le compte tour et les km/h et la jauge de carburant se situe dans le fond de km/h en bas et la même chose pour la jauge de LDR pour le compte tour comme les Golf 6 mais sans les reliefs.
Il existe sans MFA avec MFA et MFA Color et Color 3D
Ce compteur est un MFA Color.

( (

3.   Le troisième style de compteur scirocco (2013- 2016) est celui de la facelift, très semblable à 99% de celui de la golf 7, avec les mêmes fonctions, le même style que le compteur précédent sauf qu’il possède des reliefs autour des fonds (comme la Golf 6) et possède des options de l’époque où il a été répandu (ex : parkassist / line assist voire même front assist).
Il existe sans MFA avec MFA et MFA Color et Color 3D

( (

(D’ailleurs possibilité d’ajouter toutes ces options que je viens de citer sur golf 5, je suis en train de bosser sur le projet 😊)

Le second et troisième style sont ceux qui nous intéressent le plus, à savoir : le balayage d’aiguille, le MFA, l’indicateur de vitesse instantané, le passage aux aiguilles bleus (beaucoup plus jolie sur ces compteurs que ceux de la golf 5 à mon gout), le lcd qui ne s’efface pas au soleil et l’affichage de la vitesse dynamique.
Il existe sans MFA avec MFA et MFA Color et Color 3D
Sur cette photo c’est un 3D Color MFA + aiguilles bleues

2. Changement du bloc ABS et/ou pontage de fil

Pour pouvoir adapter ce compteur sur la Golf 5 en fonction de votre année, vous pouvez avoir plus ou moins de la chance.
-   Sur les Golfs 5 de 2004-Juin 2006avec l’asr (bouton asr présent au niveau du cendrier) il faut changer la partie électrique du bloc abs (partie noir présente sur la photo et non la pompe).
La référence doit être bien inscrite sur le boitier électrique et non la pompe car ce n’est pas la même.

1K0 907 379 AF (caddy, leon, skoda octavia...) seule référence à ce jour trouvé qui est compatible.
Disponible sur eBay pour un peu plus de 50euro et moins chère au Royaume Uni/Lituanie.


Pour le changement du bloc abs prévoir une purge du système abs.
Cela n'est pas obligatoire mais il va vous falloir 1L max pour remplir ce qui est tombé lorsqu'on va debrancher les durites et au passage autant faire une purge si elle n'a pas été fait il y a moins de 2ans

2 solutions s’offrent à vous :
- Solution 1 : Sortir le bloc abs complet, déclipsé ensuite la partie électrique et mettre la nouvelle et revisser le système
- Solution 2 : pas trop accessible mais avec gain de temps, dévisser légèrement tous les vices, assez pour avoir du jeu dans le bloc pour ensuite déclipser directement la partie électrique du bloc abs dans la voiture et reclipser ensuite dedans le nouveau.

Dans ce tutoriel nous avions commencé par la solution numéro 1 mais vu que cela prenait beaucoup de temps nous avons utilisé la deuxième solution.

Première étape :

1.   Première étape, enlever la durite d’air après la vanne egr, elle est retenue par 2 agrafes en fer à chaque extrémité, levé les pattes et tirer la durite vers l’extérieur



2.   Accéder à la prise du bloc abs, déclipser celle-ci et débrancher la prise.
La prise et le bloc se situe derriere la vanne egr



3.   Déclipser le cache pour accéder à la prise


4.   Repérer le câble blanc et violet et couper le au milieu (pin 22 vers 19).


5.   Avec une aiguille/cure-dent enlever le cache de la prise numéro 17


6.   Effectuer un pontage de fil entre la prise 22 et 17 tout en laissant la prise 19 isolée


! Pour les personnes possédant l’esp le tuto concernant la parti elec est finit !

! Pour les personnes possédant l’ASR on continue !

Seconde étape :

1. Déclipser la partie électrique du nouveau bloc abs. Normalement il y a 3 visses en torx si il y en a pas temps mieux, puis ensuite le déboiter



Emplacement du bloc abs :


Pour une meilleure accessibilité décaler légèrement le bloc abs qui est retenu par des pattes de fixations 


2.   Débrancher les 6 tuyaux hydraulique à l’aide d’une clé plate de 11, je vous conseille de prendre une clé à tuyau de frein afin de ne pas arrondir les visses


3.   Une fois les tuyaux hydraulique débrancher sortir le bloc


4.   Vu que le bloc entier ne sort pas on va directement le changer sur la voiture
Le retourner pour accéder au 3 visses torx sur la façade


5.   Une fois les vices torx enlever le bloc électrique sort comme le nouveau que l’on a fait précédemment, en tirant dessus.


6.   Puis on remet le nouveau bloc électrique en appuyant dessus (il ne se clipse pas donc on pousse jusqu’au fond)


Pour vérifier s’il est bien au fond, le mettre de profil et vérifier s’il y a un jour
Si comme moi il y en a un, en vissant ça va se refermer correctement.

Il reste plus qu’à remonter.
Pour information, le plus compliqué c’est de remettre les tuyaux hydrauliques, c’est chiant pour les mettre droites et que sa visse, sinon tout le reste ça va tout seul.
Une fois la cosse rebranchée, vérifier au vagcom que tout est ok, sinon effacez et refaites un diag.
Pour moi après 6 mois d’utilisation aucun soucis, les freins fonctionnent tout comme le compteur.


Enfin pour pouvoir mettre ce compteur sur golf 5 il est nécessaire de coder le tout car celui-ci possède l’antidémarrage (ex : si vous mettez le compteur sur golf 5, vous ne récupérerez pas le kilométrage et le codage de la puce entre le calculateur la clé et le compteur) la voiture de démarrera pas.

Oui car pour un démarrage il faut que les 3 pièces communes est le même codage : calculateur, compteur, clé, si un des 3 est manquant la voiture de pourra pas démarrer, du moins elle va démarrer 1sec et s’arrêter aussi tôt. Si vous ne voulez pas tout recoder vous pouvez faire un immo-off c’est-à-dire désactiver l’antidémarrage mais pas très bien niveau sécurité si on vous vole la voiture (d’où l’intérêt d’un antidémarrage)

Pour pouvoir coder le transpondeur de la clé, il faut aller chez un spécialiste (à part si vous voulez aller chez Volkswagen mais j’ai vu pas mal de retour sur le forum qu’ils ne savaient pas faire le swap de compteur scirocco car pas compatible ou certains qui payent minimum 800€ hors compteur).
Le spécialiste auquel j’ai pu prendre contact est le plus répandue sur le forum c’est KaiserZeus vous pouvez prendre contact sur le forum ou via sa page Facebook :
Il vous donne et vous code un nouveau transpondeur, pour ce faire vous lui envoyer votre ancien compteur, votre clé actuelle (1 clé suffit) et votre nouveau compteur. Par contre vous devez compter une immobilisation du véhicule pendant x temps. Ou bien il peut voir pour désactiver l’antidémarrage à distance temporairement le temps du codage.

Vous pouvez également si vous souhaitez lui demander d’activer le balayage des aiguilles, changer la couleur des aiguilles (en bleu ou autre couleur), activer la température d’huile sur l’obd si le compteur le permet et si vous avez un compteur essence lui demander de le passer en diesel, pareille si vous achetez un compteur avec la graduation en Mph si vous le souhaitez le faire passer en km/h par contre à vous de fournir les graduations ou lui demander s’il en a en stock.


Pour finir afin d’adapter le compteur, il faut un adaptateur 36 pins vers 32. En effet sur les générations scirocco et au-dessus de golf 5 ce n’est plus le gros bloc (prise noir) qui est derrière le compteur qui vient s’enclencher sur le compteur un petit bloc.
Pas de panique il existe un câblage pour permettre l’adaptation.


Après avoir acheté l’adaptateur il faut dévisser la grosse prise derrière, coté tableau de bord, brancher l’adaptateur et faire passer le câblage dans le trou, ramener ensuite le compteur au fer et à mesure et visser les 2 visses présente sous la baguette en dessous du compteur.
Déclipser les agrafes (attention elles sont fragiles)


Et dévisser les 2 visses qui tiennent (attention également à pas les faire tomber)




Titre: Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: redcbr le 26 décembre 2020 à 09:48:41
 :bravo: et  :merci: pour le superbe tuto
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: ced42 le 26 décembre 2020 à 11:13:04
Merci pour ce TUTO complet  :cool5:
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: ellocodesdelaluna le 26 décembre 2020 à 11:35:45
 :cool4: :cool4:
Au top! Ça valait la peine d'être patient! Tuto complet et précis.
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: KaiserZEUS le 26 décembre 2020 à 12:25:35
Bravo et merci pour ce tuto Alexis et Romuald !

Je pense que ça va servir à beaucoup de monde et aider certains à se lancer! Top!

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: redcbr le 26 décembre 2020 à 16:55:20
Bravo et merci pour ce tuto Alexis et Romuald !

Je pense que ça va servir à beaucoup de monde et aider certains à ce lancer! Top!


 :merci: a toi aussi kaizerzeuss d etre la depuis quelques années  :wink:
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: Matth le 08 janvier 2021 à 14:30:24
Milles merci pour ce tuto qui réveille une envie folle de changement de compteur  :lol: :cool4:
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: KaiserZEUS le 20 avril 2021 à 13:58:21

Je voudrais juste rajouter deux compléments d'information/ retour d'expérience.

1- Un contact a fait le swap sur Golf 5 2008. Il est passé du module ASR 1K0 907 379 P vers ASR 1K0 907 379 AF

Suite au montage, il avait le code défaut suivant:
1 Fault Found:
01044 - Control Module Incorrectly Coded
            003 - Mechanical Failure

Ce défaut est dû au fait qu'il faut faire le changement de cablage présenté sur le tuto.
Une fois le pontage modifié, toute est rentré dans l'ordre :)

2- il n'est pas nécessaire de couper le fil comme indiqué sur le tuto.
Il suffit de retirer la cosse du pin 19 et de la mettre sur l'emplacement 17. Pour cela il faut déverrouiller les pins en faisant coulisser la réglette rose. Il faut également retirer le bouchon anti humidité qui était sur l'emplacement 17 et le remettre sur l'emplacement 19 qui se retrouve avec un trou une fois la cosse déplacée.

J'espère que ça pourra aider certains.

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: redcbr le 20 avril 2021 à 17:55:55
 :merci: a toi  :wink:
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 06 mai 2021 à 15:04:45
Bonjour à tous.

Je dispose d'une GTI de 01/2006 possédant l'ESP et je souhaiterais savoir si le pontage est nécessaire pour mon véhicule ou si la modification sera P&P?

Merci d'avance.

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: KaiserZEUS le 06 mai 2021 à 15:09:25
Normalement la date de bascule est le 06/2006.
Mais ce n'est pas une science exacte.
Maintenant le mieux est de faire ton swap de combiné.
Ensuite si tu as le défaut, tu n'auras plus qu'à faire le pontage.

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 06 mai 2021 à 15:13:04
Merci KZ,

Je reviens vers toi dès que possible pour l'assemblage des deux compteurs.

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: KaiserZEUS le 08 mai 2021 à 17:48:16
Avec plaisir
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 01 novembre 2021 à 13:38:45
J'apporte une petite contribution à ce tuto.

Ayant fait beaucoup de recherches sur le sujet sur divers forums étrangers, la technique du pontage préconisée ne concernerait que les personnes ayant un bloc ABS MK70 (ASR).
En effet les blocs MK70 ont un connecteur 26 pins. A contrario, les blocs MK60 (ESP) ont un connecteur 47 pins et le cablage est tout à fait différent.

Selon les informations glanées un peu partout, pour le passage à un compteur couleur pour les personnes ayant l'ESP, il faudrait obligatoirement un bloc MK60 EC1 qui sont disponibles sur les véhicules  partir de 2009. La seule exception serait pour les golf disposant de quatre roues motrices, il n'y a pas nécessité de changer le bloc.
Les blocs MK60EC1 disposent des capteurs directement intégrés au bloc contrairement aux blocs MK60.

Le changement de bloc est également nécessaire si l'on retrofitte un Discover Media PQ. En  effet, il y a un problème avec la mise à jour de la localisation du GPS. Cette mise à jour se fait toutes les 15/20 minutes, voire pas du tout, ce qui est mon cas.
Ce problème viendrait du capteur de vitesse qui est différent sur la version MK60 EC1 et qui transmet un signal par roue pour la vitesse. La version MK60 ne transmet qu'un seul signal pour les deux roues tandis que le poste en attend deux.

Le schéma du connecteur T26 pour le bloc MK70

Le schéma du connecteur T47 pour le bloc MK60

Si l'on souhaite passer sur un bloc MK60 EC1, le problème du codage se posera car ces blocs permettent un codage long, ce qui n'est pas le cas des blocs MK60.
Les blocs MK60 EC1 intègrent le VIN du véhicule sur lequel il se trouvait dans le codage long si l'on achète un bloc d'occasion.

Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 01 novembre 2021 à 14:10:53
Les informations suivantes ne sont pas de moi mais glanées sur ou un membre a fait un excellent post sur les blocs MK60 EC1. Il s'agit d'une traduction Google du russe vers l'anglais.
Voici la première partie avec les fonctionnalités que peuvent apporter ces blocs.

As for the country of production, there are blocks produced in Germany, Hungary, Mexico, Philippines, China. The hydraulic part is also produced in the USA. There is no information about the dependence of the reliability of blocks on the country of origin. Outwardly, blocks from China stand out - aluminum on the hydraulic part is processed more roughly than on blocks produced in other countries. However, this does not affect performance in any way.

Attention! Not all blocks 1K0, 3T0, 2K0 and 5C0 are MK60EC1 blocks! Only those that are written in this article!

To begin with, I'll tell you about which cars were generally equipped with such blocks from the factory.
They were installed on cars of the PQ35 platform, on some cars of the PQ46 platform and on one car of the PQ25 platform.

PQ35 platform :
- VW Beetle Mk2 (beetle, body 5C, production from 10.2011)
- VW Caddy Mk3 from 11.2008 (body 2K, 2C)
- VW Eos (1F) from 05.2008 (model year 2009)
- VW Golf Mk5 from 05.2008 and Jetta Mk5 from 07.2008 (model year 2009, 1K body)
- VW Golf Mk6 (5K) and Jetta Mk6 (16, AV), Golf Mk6 Variant (AJ), Golf Mk6 Cabriolet (51)
- VW Jetta Mk6 (16) and Vento (AJ) for the US market
- VW Golf Plus (5M) from 27.05.2008
- VW Golf Plus restyling (52)
- VW Scirocco Mk3 (13)
- VW Touran Mk1 restyling and second restyling (1T), starting from 31.05.2010
- Skoda Octavia A5 (1Z), starting from 26.05.2008
- Skoda Yeti (5L, 67)
- Audi A3 and S3 Mk2 second restyling (8P), starting from 07.2008; Audi A3 Mk2 Cabriolet (8P) from 06.2008
- Seat Altea (5P) from 26.05.2008
- Seat Leon Mk2 (1P) from 26.05.2008
- Seat Toledo Mk3 (5P) from 06.2008 (2009 model year)
- SAIC-Volkswagen Lavida Mk2 (18) 02.2012-03.2015
- SAIC-Volkswagen Lavida Mk2 Langxing (18) 03.2013-03.2015
- FAW-Volkswagen Bora Mk2 restyling (15) 09.2012-01.2016

PQ46 platform :
- VW Passat NMS ("New Passat" for the US market, A3 body)
- SAIC-Volkswagen Passat 2011-2018 ("New Passat" for the Chinese market, A4 body)
- Skoda Superb Mk2 (3T), starting from 01.05 .2008

Also, these blocks can be installed on the same, but earlier cars, but with additional alterations (for example, Touran Mk1 pre-styling, Caddy Mk3 before 11.2008 , etc.) For example, for VW Golf Mk5 and Jetta Mk5 up to 2009 model year It will be necessary to replace 4 brake pipes - two from the brake master cylinder to the ABS unit and two from the ABS unit to the front brake hoses, since they have a different diameter of the fittings, as well as the brackets of the ABS + unit, do some electrical work. Other models may have their own nuances, you need to check with the spare parts catalog and wiring diagrams.

I note that when installing an ABS unit with ESP support (which are discussed in this article) instead of an ABS unit without ESP support (ATE / Teves MK60, MK70), in any case, additional work will be required to replace the brackets of the ABS unit, as well as wiring ... In such cases, be sure to check the wiring diagrams for your car! A very detailed example of installing an ABS unit with ESP support instead of an ABS unit without ESP using the example of the Skoda Octavia A5 FL is described here .

Regarding the name (MK60EC1), the following can be added:
The letter E indicates the use of solenoid valves with analog control;
The number 1 indicates the use of the pressure sensor built into the unit.

These units differ from the previous generation of ABS / ESP units (MK60) as follows:
- transfer of ESP sensor unit G419 (consists of lateral acceleration sender G200, yaw rate sender G202, on some units (all-wheel drive or sensor-dependent functions) also longitudinal acceleration sensor G251) inside the block;
- the use of solenoid valves with analog control (ie valves have not only 2 states - "open-closed", but have smooth regulation, which allows more accurate control of the operation of auxiliary systems);
- changes in the firmware (adding new functionality, switching to a long VIN-dependent encoding).

So, globally, ABS (ESP) MK60EC1 blocks can be divided into 3 types and 2 categories:
- blocks whose encoding contains 17 bytes (18 if byte 0 is read as the first)
- blocks whose encoding contains 18 bytes (19 if byte 0 count as the first)
- blocks, the coding of which contains 19 bytes (20, if byte 0 is read as the first)
17- and 18-byte blocks are available with longitudinal acceleration encoder G251 or without it, 19-byte blocks all have encoder G251.

By catalog numbers of blocks, their firmware, etc. the information will be a little lower, and before proceeding to it, I want to talk about those functions in the MK60EC1 units that can be activated and / or configured through the diagnostic equipment. First, by the functions that are present in absolutely all blocks (even the earliest and simplest 17-byte ones):

ABS ( Anti-lock Braking System, Anti blockier system) - anti-lock braking system. Prevents the wheels from locking during heavy braking, while retaining the ability to control the vehicle (making maneuvers to avoid an obstacle). Powered by wheel speed sensors (ABS sensors). The system recognizes the revolutions of rotation of each individual wheel and, in the event of a blockage of any wheel (abrupt stop of the wheel), reduces the braking force on it until the wheel starts to rotate again, then the system allows to increase the braking force again. It works very quickly and in impulses, due to which the wheel locking itself is almost invisible to the driver.

M-ABS ( Motoreingriff Anti blockier system) is an anti-lock braking system implemented through engine management. Responsible for reducing engine torque when the driving wheels slip. It works at the expense of an electronic throttle valve (covers it at the time of slipping). It can also increase the engine torque if necessary. The system is maintained in a range that allows optimum use of engine braking torque while providing sufficient traction to absorb lateral forces.

EBD ( Electronic Brake Distribution, aka EBPD - Electronic Brake Pressure Distributor, aka EBFD - Electronic Brake force Distribution, aka EBV - Electronic Brake Variator or Elektronishe Bremskraft verteilung) - electronic brake force distribution regulator. Electronic brake force distribution system, which optimally distributes the braking force between the wheels, depending on the distribution of the vehicle's weight along the axles and the grip of the wheels with the road surface. Provides the most optimal braking force on the axles, changing it depending on specific road conditions (speed, nature of the surface, vehicle load, etc.). In fact, it replaces a mechanical brake force regulator ("sorcerer").

ASR ( Anti- Slip Regulation, Antriebs schlupf regelung, it also TCS - Traction Control System) - ASR system. Prevents the drive wheels from slipping when there is a lack of traction during acceleration. It works not only by braking the skidding wheels, but also by reducing the engine torque.

MSR ( M otor s chleppmoment r egelung, aka EBC - E ngine B raking C ontrol) is a torque control system during engine braking. It detects the incipient slippage of the driving wheels caused by the moment of engine braking (when moving in gear and releasing the accelerator pedal), and gives the engine a command to increase the torque so as to stop the slipping of the wheels.

ESP ( Electronic Stability Program, Elektronisches Stabilisierungs programm, it also ESC - Electronic Stability Control) - Electronic vehicle dynamic stabilization. It stabilizes the car in the event of a skid, works at the expense of lateral and longitudinal acceleration sensors (the longitudinal acceleration sensor is optional for the system to work, but if it is present, the accuracy of the work increases), as well as the steering angle sensor.

ABS plus
(German Erweitertes Antiblockiersystem) is an advanced anti-lock braking system. The system allows on the road without hard surface (for example, crushed stone or sand) to achieve a reduction of the braking distance by up to 20%. For work, it uses sensors of the ABS and ESP systems. Based on the data from the sensors and the ABS control unit, the system recognizes the nature of the road surface. Shortening the braking distance is achieved by short-term, controlled wheel locking. In this case, a "shoulder" of road surface material is formed in front of the locked wheels, which has a braking effect and thereby shortens the braking distance. At certain intervals, the wheels are periodically unlocked and begin to rotate, as a result of which the vehicle remains steerable.

CBC ( Corner Brake Control) - system by turning braking stabilize (it ESBS - Extended Stability Brake System, therein. Erweitertes Stabilitäts brems system - advanced braking stabilization system). Dangerous situations arising during braking in a corner can manifest themselves in oversteer or understeer and, in unfavorable cases, lead to a skid. This is due to the fact that when braking in a corner, the yaw rate of the vehicle can reach such a value that the phenomena described above will occur. CBC corrects for such yaw behavior. For this, the CBC function controls the brake pressures during braking in such a way as to create a
"Counter-moment". CBC improves directional stability of the vehicle when braking in a corner. It is capable of detecting dangerous situations, especially when braking in a corner, without yaw or lateral acceleration sensors, only on the basis of wheel speed data (ABS sensors).

( Low Dynamic ESP) - provides earlier activation of the ESP system, designed for early intervention when braking. It can take effect in case of slight deviations in the behavior of the car, even when the car is moving without loss of stability. If necessary, the pressure is reduced in each working cylinder independently of the others. This function prevents the car from skidding and keeps it on a straight course.

HVV (German: Hinterachs voll verzögerung, aka Maximum Rear Axle Deceleration) is a system for effectively decelerating the rear wheels. When braking a heavily loaded vehicle due to its high mass and acc. inertia, large braking forces are required. The aim of the HVV system is to ensure that the full grip potential is also used optimally for a fully loaded vehicle. This optimum braking is achieved in ABS operating mode. When the driver presses the brake pedal, the front wheels are first brought into ABS mode, while the rear wheels are still outside the ABS engagement range. ABS, by its very principle of operation, is triggered when the wheels show a tendency to block. Due to the full load of the car, however, the wheels later begin to show a tendency to block, because. due to the high load on the rear axle, the maximum adhesion of the rear wheels to the road increases and, therefore, they can absorb greater braking forces than the front ones. Therefore, on a fully loaded vehicle, the rear wheels by themselves do not fully realize their maximum braking potential. To fully exploit this potential, the HVV function is used, which independently increases the brake pressure of the rear wheels so much that ABS starts to work on them.
The ABS / ESP control unit registers, on the basis of the input signals, that ABS is activated on the front axle and that the driver has pressed the brake pedal quickly and firmly. Then the system independently increases the brake pressure of the rear wheels before the ABS starts to operate on them.

HBA ( Hydraulic Brake Assist, German Hydraulischer Brems a ssistent, also known as EBA - Emergency Brake Assist) is a hydraulic braking assistant. Recognizes a sharp press on the brake pedal during emergency braking and automatically preemptively increases the pressure in the brake system for faster emergency braking (in other words, increases the braking force faster than your foot can do it). The intensity of the assistant's work can be adjusted in the adaptations.

OHB-V (German Optimierte Hydraulische Bremskraft- Verstärkung, aka HBV - Hydraulische Bremskraft verstärkung, aka BPS- Hydraulic Assistance of the Brake Booster, aka Hydraulic Brake Booster Servo) - hydraulic brake booster. It is present mainly on cars with automatic transmissions, which have a vacuum amplifier vacuum sensor G608 (it is also a differential pressure sensor, located either on the vacuum amplifier or on the vacuum line, depending on the car modification). In fact, the system replaces the additional electric vacuum pump V192 (in conjunction with the vacuum booster pressure sensor G294), which was used in earlier systems, and also installed on vehicles with units that do not support ESP.
System operation description:
In certain operating modes of the engine (especially during warming up), the vacuum generated by it is not enough for the full operation of the brake booster. A hydraulic brake booster is designed to provide reinforcement in such situations. If the braking system cannot receive sufficient vacuum from the engine, then the brake booster cannot fully perform its function. This means that optimal braking action will not be achieved.
Based on the data from the brake light switch and the pressure sensor, the system recognizes that braking is in progress. The system compares the actual braking pressure with what it should be when the driver is applying the brake pedal force and speed. The vacuum sensor in the vacuum brake booster registers the insufficient vacuum supplied to the booster from the engine. The system then automatically increases the brake pressure in the circuits to the required value. The changeover valve in the hydraulic block closes and the high pressure valve opens. A control signal is applied to the return pump and the pump starts to run. As a result, the pressure in the brake cylinder increases to the value that it should have at the current position of the brake pedal.
normal operation of the vacuum brake booster.
OHB-V is a plug-in for the ESP system.

AEM ( Adaptive Engagement Model) is a permanent monitoring system for the vehicle. The system monitors the condition of the vehicle even when the vehicle is completely stable. Thanks to this, auxiliary systems (ABS, ESP, etc.) can come into action earlier.

Brake Booster - brake booster . Increases the pressure created in the brake system with the same pressing of the brake pedal (i.e. with the function on, the brakes will seize with less pedal pressure than without it). Included in adaptations.

EDS ( Electronic Differential System or Elektronische Differenzial sperre, also known as EDL - Electronic Differential Lock) - electronic imitation of differential lock. It is triggered when one of the wheels starts to slip (spin) during acceleration. The system brakes the spinning wheel. Applying a certain braking torque to a slipping wheel increases the torque transmitted to that wheel. As a result, the differential is able to transmit more torque to the non-slip wheel on the same axle. The car accelerates faster and remains manageable. It can also help on off-road / bad road conditions, when one wheel is suspended / on very slippery surfaces.

XDS (eXtended electronic Differential System) - extended electronic differential lock. It is a software extension of the EDS system ( Electronic Differential System - electronic differential lock) present in the ESP MK60EC1 . It is activated when the vehicle enters a turn. The system brakes the inner wheel, creating the effect of a limited-slip differential and thereby screwing the car into a corner. The intensity of the system (when activated) is configured in the block adaptations. Not supported by all 17-byte blocks.

GMB ( Gier moment beeinflussung) is a system for influencing the unfolding moment (it was also previously called GMA - Gier moment aufbauverzögerung - a system for slowing the increase in the unfolding moment). When the car is moving, it is quite common to encounter a situation where the adhesion conditions of different wheels are different. For example, potholes in the roadway can be filled with rubble, or different parts of the roadway can be in varying degrees of wear.
When braking on sections of the roadway with different grip properties, unfolding moments may occur, tending to acc. turn the car around the vertical axis. When the ABS control unit, as part of the GMB function, detects that the angular velocity of the left wheels differs from the angular velocity of the right wheels during braking, the system
concludes that an unwanted cornering torque may develop. In this case, the increase in braking force on the side where the wheels rotate with a higher angular velocity slows down somewhat, so that the angular velocities of the wheels on the left and right sides are equal again. For this, the opening command acc. intake valves, the ABS is released a little later, so that it takes longer to increase the pressure in the brake cylinder.

FBS ( Fading Brake Support, aka Overboost , aka Hydraulic Auxiliary Boosting) is a system for compensating for the drop in brake efficiency when they are heated. In a critical situation, the driver presses the brake pedal with an effort exceeding a certain threshold. Since the road conditions are favorable, i.e. there is good adhesion of the wheels to the road, the ABS system does not operate. Since the driver's intention to achieve maximum vehicle deceleration continues to be present, the Overboost function is activated. The ESP sensors recognize this situation and the system increases the brake pressure until ABS is activated.
The ESP system, using a return pump, increases the brake pressure in the circuits until ABS is activated on all 4 wheels. The maximum developed pressure is limited by the tensile strength of the system parts (for example, avoiding deformation of the calipers).

DSR ( Driver Steering Recommendation, German Gegenlenkunterstützung, also known as Dynamic Steering Response) is an active steering assistant to improve vehicle stability. In the event of a skid, the electric power steering, due to the creation of effort on the steering wheel and its slight turn, "prompts" in which direction the driver needs to turn the steering wheel to stabilize the car. By default, the function is enabled, you can deactivate it in the coding of the block and in the adaptations of block 44 (EUR).

DSR ( Dynamic Steering Recommendation) - if I understood correctly, this is the setting of the electric power steering force depending on the speed. Something like a parameter, just a not so flexibly configurable parameter. Customizable in adaptations. Not the same as Driver Steering Recommendation.
Information from here .

RKA ( Reifen Kontroll Anzeige), or TPMS ( Tire Pressure Monitoring System) is an indirect tire pressure monitoring system. Powered by wheel speed sensors (ABS sensors). It is triggered when there is a difference of 0.2-0.3 atmospheres. The 17-byte blocks support only the conditional version 1 system, which works by means of a physical SET button (the button is used to reset and memorize the current tire pressure readings) and displays general information on the instrument notification that a tire pressure check is required, without showing, which wheel you want to check.

BDW ( Brake Disc Wiper, aka BSW - Bremsscheibenrocknung or Brems scheiben wischer, aka RBS - Rain Brake Support) - function for removing moisture from brake discs. It works during rainy weather when the wipers are working and the vehicle speed is above 70 km / h. Included in adaptations.

ESP Off - completely deactivates the ESP system. Useful in rough off-road conditions or in winter. The ability to completely disable ESP via a button is activated through coding, but as far as I know, this is not available for all units.

HHC ( Hill Hold Control, aka HSA - Hill Start Assist) is an assistant for holding when starting uphill and descending from a slope. It is relevant for cars with manual transmission and DSG, it is useless on the machine and will even interfere (but no one bothers to try). If the car stops on a slope, the assistant, after releasing the brake pedal, keeps the brakes pressed for a few more seconds, so that it is possible to start without rolling back. The intensity of the system is configured in adaptations. HHC only supports units with longitudinal acceleration sensor G251.

PLA 1.0-1.5 - parking autopilot. Knows how to park in parallel in reverse. PLA 1.0 units can be upgraded (flashed) to version 1.5, which supports multi-pass parking and requires less parking space. PLA is supported only by those blocks that have longitudinal acceleration sensor G251.

TSA ( Trailer Stabilization Assistant, German Gespannstabilisierung) - Trailer stabilization function. First of all, the system stabilizes the road train by alternately braking the wheels of the vehicle. If this turns out to be not enough, then the system to stabilize the situation starts braking all the wheels of the car, as well as, through the overrun brake, and the wheels of the trailer.
Unlike the previous generation of ABS units (MK60), the function does not need additional activation - it is automatically activated itself when the vehicle recognizes via the towbar control unit that a trailer has been connected to the vehicle. The standard (factory) implementation of the TSU is required. Otherwise, the function is inactive.

Off-Road mode (for Skoda Yeti 4x4) - a special mode of operation of all the ABS / ESP system assistants for a more comfortable off-road driving. Works at speeds up to 30 km / h
ABS Offroad - helps the driver to effectively brake on the road surface without a hard surface, such as gravel, loose snow, etc. Due to the controlled blocking, the system creates a "wedge" of the accumulated bulk material in front of the wheel, thus shortening the braking distance. The system is only available when the front wheels are in the straight ahead position. The system works at speeds up to 50 km / h.
ASR Offroad makes it easier for the driver to start off on slippery or loose surfaces by allowing partial wheel slip.
EDS Offroad- allows you to more fully realize the adhesion potential of each of the wheels with the road when driving on a surface with uneven properties, i.e. when the grip of different driving wheels is different, as well as when driving over irregularities.
The spinning wheel (s) are braked more intensively than with conventional EDS.
Assistant to the beginning of movement (Start-Off Assist) - helps the driver to get under way, for example, on a steep slope or on slippery surfaces. If the driver presses the accelerator pedal, the engine speed is adjusted in such a way as to realize a smooth start from a standstill.
Assistant downhill movement ( HDC - Hill Descent Control or HDA - Hill Descent Assist, German. Bergabfahrassistent) - by automatically braking all wheels, maintains a constant speed on steep slopes when moving forward and backward.
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 01 novembre 2021 à 14:24:24
Deuxième partie avec les blocs en 17 octets

Now let's go directly to what blocks are, what they support, which ones should not be taken, and to which versions they are updated.
The numbers of the hydraulic part (assembly unit), if there are several of them, I will try to indicate in order of freshness, i.e. the first number is relevant, the second is the one that went to the first, etc. Accordingly, if you have a choice of 2 identical blocks, but with different numbers on the hydraulic part, it is preferable to take a block with a more recent number (of course, taking into account the appearance of the block itself - for some money it is better to take an earlier block "ideally", than the later "like out of the trash heap").

PS: References with numbers 375 refer to the so-called repair kit for the ABS electronic control unit in the ETKA catalog. In addition to the electronic unit itself, it usually includes 4 screws for fastening it to the hydraulics, o-rings for the valves, plugs for the brake pipe holes in the hydraulics, and an installation guide.

Important! All 1K0 blocks are interchangeable with each other, but keep in mind that installing an early version of the block on a car that started production later than the block appeared will make it impossible to encode the block. For example, the AJ block cannot be encoded on Jetta 6, but it can be flashed to the BJ version and then the encoding will be accepted. Earlier 17-byte blocks cannot be flashed in this way, respectively, and it will not work to encode them either. Be careful!

17-byte blocks (18-byte, if 0 byte is read as 1st) without HHC and PLA support (without longitudinal acceleration sensor G251), without XDS:

1K0907379AD ( 1K0907375AD , ATE numbers: 10.0961-0307.3 (same for all firmwares), 10.0619-3065.1 (firmware 0104), 10.0613-3899.1 (firmware 0106), 00.0405-630D.1 (firmware 0104), 00.0405-630D.2 ( firmware 0106))
Hardware revision: H35
Current firmware: updated to version 1K0907379CD , 0120
Hydraulic part numbers (assembled unit according to ETKA): 1K0614517BD (ATE 10.0212-0220.4), 1K0614517AP

It was installed from the beginning of the 2009 model (!) Year (05-07.2008) to ~ 05.2009.

1K0907379AN ( 1K0907375AN , ATE numbers for units with firmware 0107: 10.0961-0314.3, 10.0619-3067.1, 00.0405-630F.4) Hardware
revision: H45
Current firmware: 0109
Hydraulic part number (unit assembled according to ETKA): 1K061451712BJ- (ATE 10.02.02 0300.4)

Installed from ~ 05.2009 to ~ 11.2009.

17-byte blocks (18-byte, if 0 byte is read as 1st) with HHC and PLA support (with longitudinal acceleration sensor G251), without XDS:

1K0907379AE ( 1K0907375AE , ATE numbers: 10.0961-0308.3 (same for all firmware), 10.0613-3832.1 (firmware 0102), 10.0613-3898.1 (firmware 0104), 10.0619-3064.1 (firmware 0106), 00.0402-712C200 or 004027 firmware 0104), 00.0402-712D.2 (firmware 0106), 00402712C100 (firmware 0102)) Hardware
revision: H35
Current firmware: upgradable to version 1K0907379CE , 0120
Hydraulic part numbers (assembled unit according to ETKA): 1K0614517BE (ATE 10.0212-0221.4 ), 1K0614517BF (ATE 10.0399-3765.4), 1K0614517AQ (ATE 10.0212-0110.4)

It was installed from the beginning of the 2009 model (!) Year (05-07.2008) to ~ 05.2009.

1K0907379AP ( 1K0907375AP , ATE numbers of units with firmware 0107: 10.0961-0315.3, 10.0619-3066.1, 00.0402-712F.4) Hardware
revision: H45
Current firmware: 0109
Hydraulic part number (unit assembled by ETKA): 1K061451712BK- (ATE 10.02. 0301.4)

Installed from ~ 05.2009 to ~ 11.2009.

Among these blocks, the earliest AD and AE blocks are highly discouraged - these blocks are problematic, soldering defects are often found in them, and the blocks simply fail. It is enough to drive in the search " 1K0907379AD burned out "and immediately there will be several articles stating that such a unit is out of order. I advise you to take it only if you really want to just ESP without frills, and the price for such a unit is very attractive (1-2 thousand), I advise you to look for either AN / AP, or even more recent (depending on finances and desired functionality.) The AD and AE blocks in the catalog are replaced by AN and AP, respectively, so that AN and AP are much less problematic blocks. But still, 18-byte blocks are often found now at an adequate price, so I advise you to take a closer look at them - no problems with reliability have been noticed + pretty good functionality.

A couple of blocks stand apart in this group of blocks, which differ in that they were installed only on certain cars - Skoda Superb Mk2 (3T) and Volkswagen Caddy Mk3 (2K).

Block 3T0 from Skoda Superb Mk2 (3T) from 05.2008 to 11.2009 :

3T0907379C (ATE of room units with firmware 0104: 10.0961-0309.3 (revision H35), 10.0961-0316.3 (revision H45), 10.0613-3951.1, 28.5610-8200.3 (revision H35), 28.5610-8210.3 (revision H45))
Revision iron: found blocks with iron revision of H35 and H45 (pay attention to it, H45 modified and more reliable!)
Current firmware: updated to version 3T0907379E , 0122 (it is possible that only blocks H35 updated at your own risk information is anecdotal!!!)
Number of hydraulic parts (block assembled according to ETKA): 3T0614517D (ATE 10.0212-0224.4 (revision H35), 10.0212-0304.4 (revision H45))
This block, in general, is similar to blocks 1K0907379AE / AP - i.e. it has a longitudinal acceleration sensor G251 and supports HHC and PLA. From the factory it was installed on all-wheel drive versions. It is not known for certain about XDS support, but judging by the hardware revision, this block does not support XDS (perhaps the version with H45 supports it, but this must be checked). It is likely that blocks with revision H35 have the same reliability problems as AD / AE blocks, so the block was subsequently updated to revision H45. There is a software update to version 0106, which solves the problems with the appearing errors "16352 Control unit - there is a malfunction / error" and "01130 ABS mode - invalid signal", there is also an update to version 3T0907379E 0122, but whether it is suitable for all blocks or only for blocks with H35 iron is unknown. Flash this version at your own peril and risk!
I would not consider H35 revision blocks, only for very little money (as in the case of AD / AE), a block with H45, in general, can be taken, but it is not a fact that it will be able to work correctly with other car models, except Superb.

2K0 blocks from Volkswagen Caddy Mk3 (2K) :

From 11.2008 to 06.2009:
2K0907379C ( 2K0907375C , ATE numbers for units with firmware 0101: 10.0961-0310.3, 10.0613-3873.1, 28.5611-0500.3) Hardware
revision: H35
Current firmware: updated to 2K0907379E , 0121
Hydraulic part number ET (ET unit assembly ): 2K0614517 (ATE 10.0212-0217.4)

From 06.2009 to 08.2010:
2K0907379D ( 2K0907375D , ATE numbers of units with firmware 0103: 10.0961-0317.3, 10.0619-3330.1, 28.5611-0511.3) Hardware
revision: H45
Hydraulic part number (unit assembled according to ETKA): 2K0614517A (ATE 10.021212-0307.4 )

Probably, these blocks are also a direct analogy with 1K0907379AE / 1K0907379AP. Those. block 2K0907379C is problematic, and 2K0907379D is corrected, which, in principle, can already be taken. In terms of functionality, these are blocks with a longitudinal acceleration sensor G251, therefore they must also support HHC and PLA (according to PLA, it is not a fact, because the developers could cut this function in the firmware, since PLA was not installed on the VW Caddy from the factory in those years). XDS is probably not supported (maybe 379D does - check).
I would not put it on other cars besides VW Caddy either - it's not for nothing that they made separate blocks for the Caddy, it may not accept the encoding on another car, but this information also needs to be checked, so far it is only at the level of assumptions.

17-byte blocks (18-byte, if 0 byte is read as 1st) with HHC and PLA support (with longitudinal acceleration sensor G251), with XDS support:

1K0907379AM ( 1K0907375AM , ATE numbers: 10.0961-0318.3 (firmware 0106), 10.0961-0326.3 (firmware 0108), 10.0619-3186.1 (firmware 0106), 10.0619-3267.1 (firmware 0108), 28.5611-0306.3 (firmware 0106) 0308.3 (firmware 0108)) Hardware
revision: H45
Current firmware: 0108
Hydraulic part numbers (assembled unit according to ETKA): 1K0614517BB (ATE 10.0212-0218.4 (firmware 0106), 10.0212-0308.4 (firmware 0108)), 1K0614522BC.4 (10.0212-0226BC.4 )
Judging by the fact that according to ATE, all the numbers differ in general, depending on which version of the firmware was uploaded to the block from the factory, the blocks with different numbers differ not only in the firmware version, but also in some internal hardware changes. From this I can assume that blocks with firmware 0108 filled from the factory are more reliable than blocks with firmware 0106. However, these are just my assumptions.

It was installed from ~ 05.2009 to ~ 06.2009 or ~ 11.2009 (it is not known exactly).

1K0907379BA ( 1K0907375BA , number of blocks ATE firmware 0109: 10.0961-0332.3, 10.0619-3360.1, 00.0402-712E.0)
Revision iron: H45
Current firmware: 0109
Number of hydraulic (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517CM (ATE 10.0212- 0338.4)

Installed from ~ 06.2009 to ~ 11.2009

There is not much information about these blocks (AM / BA). AM in the catalog is replaced by BA.
There were no reviews of their problematic nature, judging by the revision - they are similar to the AN / AP blocks, so in general, you can take it, but I would be guided either by AM with the factory firmware 0108, or by BA.
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 01 novembre 2021 à 14:41:17
Troisième partie avec les blocs en 18 octets.

That's all with 17-byte blocks, let's move on to the most optimal blocks in terms of price-functionality ratio - 18-byte ones (of course, I'm talking about blocks with a G251 sensor, but I'll also tell you about blocks without it).

These blocks differ in that absolutely all of them support XDS.
Also, those units that have a longitudinal acceleration sensor G251 support a newer and more advanced version of PLA - PLA 2.0 .
PLA 2.0 can park backwards not only in parallel, but also perpendicularly.
Also, these units (I suspect that only those that have a G251 sensor) support adaptive cruise control (ACC), at least the version that was briefly put on the European Golf 6 with a 1.8 TSI engine and used a laser lidar (and there are very , very little, and no one is engaged in additional installation, because the cost of even used components, if they can be found, is obscenely high). Perhaps these blocks also support ACC with a more familiar radar, but so far no one has checked this - at the moment, those few people who bother with ACC have the most advanced blocks.

Also, after the update (and some of the more recent blocks - and without it), they support the more advanced TPMS of conditional version II (RKA +). It differs in that it works through the MFA + / Maxidot dashboard (requires a dashboard from 2012 model (exactly model, not calendar!) Year and newer), i.e. resetting and saving the current tire pressure values ​​is carried out through the dashboard menu, and also signals which particular wheel needs to be checked.

It is also known that at least some of the data blocks (in particular - BL and BJ) support EPB ( Electronic Parking Brake, it Elektromechanische Feststellbremse.) - electromechanical parking brake (hammer). But it is not known exactly which byte is responsible for its encoding. This information is known for 19- (20-) byte blocks.

18-byte blocks (19-byte, if 0 byte is read as 1st) without HHC and PLA support (without longitudinal acceleration sensor G251). All these blocks, except for BK, are updated to 1K0907379BH , the current version is 0121. After the update, it becomes possible to completely disable ESP (ESP Off) and support TPMS II (RKA +, with the exception of VW Caddy - for some reason, with these TPMS II blocks) activated). The BK block does not require an update, since it is initially more recent and has its own, more recent, firmware version.

1K0907379AH ( 1K0907375AH , number of blocks ATE firmware 0107: 10.0961-0333.3, 10.0619-3359.1, 28.5610-5212.3)
Revision iron: H30
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517AS (ATE 10.0212-0480.4), 1K0614517BG (ATE 25.0212-1540.4), 1K0614517BQ

Installed from ~ 11.2009 to ~ 05.2010.

1K0907379AS ( 1K0907375AS , ATE numbers for units with firmware 0105: 10.0961-0335.3, 10.0619-3557.1, 28.5610-5222.3) Hardware
revision: H30
Hydraulic part numbers (unit assembled by ETKA): 1K0614517CA (ATE 10.0212-05060.4), 1K0614517CA (ATE10.0212-0560.4), 1K0614517CA 25.0212-1630.4)

Installed from ~ 05.2010 to ~ 09.2010.

1K0907379BB ( 1K0907375BB )
Iron revision: H30
Hydraulic part numbers (block assembled according to ETKA): 1K0614517CG , 1K0614517CJ

Installed from ~ 09.2010 to ~ 11.2010.

1K0907379BD (1K0907375BD, number of blocks ATE firmware 0108: 10.0961-0342.3, 10.0619-3653.1, 28.5610-5224.3)
Revision iron: H31
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517CN (ATE 10.0212-0650.4), 1K0614517CQ

Installed from ~ 11.2010 to ~ 01.2011.

1K0907379BF ( 1K0907375BF )
Revision of iron: H31
Hydraulic part numbers (block assembled according to ETKA): 1K0614517CS , 1K0614517DA

Installed from ~ 01.2011 to ~ 05.2011.

1K0907379BH ( 1K0907375BH , number of blocks ATE firmware 0121: 10.0961-0351.3, 10.0619-3725.1, 28.5610-5241.3)
Revision iron: H31
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517DD (ATE 10.0212-0680.4), 1K0614517DH (ATE 10.0212-0683.4), 1K0614517DK (ATE 25.0212-1768.4), 1K0614517DF

Installed from ~ 05.2011 to ~ 05.2012.

1K0907379BK ( 1K0907375BK , number of blocks ATE firmware 0152: 10.0961-0363.3, 10.0619-3956.1, 28.5610-5251.3)
Revision iron: H31
Current firmware: 0152 (Not publicly available)
Non-hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517DN (ATE 10.0212-0700.4), 1K0614517DQ , 1K0614517EA (ATE 25.0212-1920.4), 1K0614517DS

Installed from ~ 05.2012 to ~ late 2013-early 2014.

Blocks with H30 iron, in theory, can fail, but not as massively as 17-byte early AD / AEs (although I did not hear much about problems with the H30). Blocks with H31 iron are definitely recommended, they can be taken without much hesitation if you do not need to support functions that depend on the G251 sensor.

18-byte blocks (19-byte, if 0 byte is read as 1st) with HHC and PLA support (with longitudinal acceleration sensor G251). All these blocks, with the exception of BL, are updated to 1K0907379BJ , current version: 0121. After the update, it becomes possible to completely disable ESP (ESP Off), and for AJ / AT / BC blocks - TPMS II support (RKA +, the rest are supported without updating, with the exception of VW Caddy - for some reason, TPMS II is not activated on them with these blocks). The BL block does not require updating, since it is initially more recent and has its own, more recent, firmware version.

1K0907379AJ ( 1K0907375AJ , number of blocks ATE firmware 0107: 10.0961-0334.3, 10.0619-3358.1, 28.5610-5412.3)
Revision iron: H30
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517AT (ATE 10.0212-0481.4), 1K0614517BH (ATE 25.0212-1541.4), 1K0614517BS (hydraulics from Skoda Yeti with Off Road switch, ATE 10.0212-0486.4), 1K0614517BR

Installed from ~ 11.2009 to ~ 05.2010.

1K0907379AT ( 1K0907375AT , ATE numbers for units with firmware 0105: 10.0961-0336.3, 10.0619-3556.1, 28.5610-5422.3) Hardware
revision: H30
Hydraulic part numbers (unit assembled by ETKA): 1K0614517CB (ATE 10.0299-0538.4, 10.03) , 1K0614517CE (ATE 25.0212-1631.4), 1K0614517CL (hydraulics from Skoda Yeti with Off Road switch, ATE 10.0212-0566.4)

Installed from ~ 05.2010 to ~ 09.2010.

1K0907379BC ( 1K0907375BC , number of blocks ATE firmware 0106: 10.0961-0341.3, 10.0619-3617.1, 28.5610-5423.3)
Revision iron: H30
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517CH (ATE 10.0212-0624.4), 1K0614517CK (ATE 25.0212-1696.4)

Installed from ~ 09.2010 to ~ 11.2010.

1K0907379BE ( 1K0907375BE , number of blocks ATE firmware 0108: 10.0961-0343.3, 10.0619-3654.1, 28.5610-5424.3)
Revision iron: H31
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517CP (ATE 10.0212-0651.4), 1K0614517CR (ATE 25.0212-1700.4), 1K0614517DC (hydraulics from Skoda Yeti with Off Road switch, ATE 10.0212-0656.4)

Installed from ~ 11.2010 to ~ 01.2011.

1K0907379BG ( 1K0907375BG , number of blocks ATE firmware 0106: 10.0961-0345.3, 10.0619-3656.1, 28.5610-5430.3)
Revision iron: H31
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517CT (ATE 10.0212-0654.4), 1K0614517DB (ATE 25.0212-1702.4)

Installed from ~ 01.2011 to ~ 05.2011.

1K0907379BJ ( 1K0907375BJ , number of blocks ATE firmware 0121: 10.0961-0352.3, 10.0619-3724.1, 28.5610-5441.3)
Revision iron: H31
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517DE (ATE 10.0212-0681.4), 1K0614517DM (ATE 10.0212-0686.4), 1K0614517DJ (ATE 10.0212-0684.4), 1K0614517DL (ATE 25.0212-1769.4), 1K0614517DG (ATE 25.0212-1767.4)

Installed from ~ 05.2011 to ~ 05.2012.

1K0907379BL ( 1K0907375BL , number of blocks ATE firmware 0152: 10.0961-0364.3, 10.0619-3955.1, 28.5610-5451.3)
Revision iron: H31
Current firmware: 0152
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517DP (ATE 10.0212-0701.4, 10.0399-3497.4), 1K0614517DR (ATE 25.0212-1919.4), 1K0614517EC (hydraulics from Skoda Yeti with Off Road switch, ATE 10.0212-0706.4), 1K0614517EB (ATE 25.0212-1921.4), 1K0614517DT (ATE 10.0212-0704.4)

Installed from ~ 05.2012 to ~ late 2013-early 2014.

Here the situation is exactly the same as with the previous group of blocks: H30s can potentially throw troubles, but taking them is also, in principle, possible, no massive problems with them were noticed. H31 can be taken safely. In my opinion, the most optimal units in terms of price-functionality-reliability are just the H31 units with the G251 sensor.

Separately, block 5C0 stands out, which was installed on:
Volkswagen Beetle Mk2 (5C) from 05.12.2011 to 31.10.2013:

5C0907379C ( 5C0907375C , number of blocks ATE firmware 0156: 10.0961-0366.3, 10.0622-3015.1, 28.5610-5460.3)
Revision iron: H31
Current firmware: 0156
Non hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 5C0614517B (ATE 25.0212-1945.4) , 5C0614517D (ATE 25.0212-1947.4)
Judging by the hardware revision and the firmware version, the unit is similar to the 1K0907379BL unit and supports all the same features (although it is possible that some of them cannot be encoded, for example, PLA, since PLA from the factory on Beelte of those years was not installed). It is also unknown whether it will be possible to encode this block on other cars, except for the VW Beetle.

There is also information that there are blocks that were installed on:
Audi TT Mk2 FL (8J) 09.2011-06.2014:

8J0614517E with hardware revision H32 and firmware version 0105. ATE numbers are unknown. The paradox is that usually 8J0614517E blocks are MK60E1 blocks, i.e. older blocks with short coding, but such blocks have different hardware revisions and firmware versions, their photos can be easily found on the Internet. I met a mention of the MK60EC1 8J0 block with a long encoding only in one place - on the English-speaking forum of the TT club . Perhaps these blocks were installed very limitedly, or as part of a warranty replacement, since on the entire Internet this is the only mention of the MK60EC1 unit with the number 8J0 installed on the Audi TT, or there may be some kind of throw-in or error ... Therefore, I leave it solely as information for thought ...

You can also include one more unit in this group, but there is one thing - it is with a hybrid VW Jetta Mk6 (16) 07.2012-11.2013 , respectively - it may have its own, unique firmware (and maybe not only firmware), and work adequately such a block with conventional cars will not exist. Well, here until you try - you don't know, if anyone knows for sure - write) Maybe it can be flashed into BJ and there will be a regular block, or maybe not. There is no exact information at the moment:

1K0907379AR ( 1K0907375AR , ATE numbers of blocks with firmware 0135: 10.0961-0370.3, 10.0622-3231.1, 28.5610-5472.3) Hardware
revision: H31
Current firmware (judging by the photo from the network): 0135 (it is not available in the public domain, there is only an earlier one 0133)
Hydraulic part number (block assembled according to ETKA): 1K0614517BT (ATE 25.0212-2021.4)
Titre: [ Tuto ] Montage compteur MFA Scirocco/Passat/Eos/Tiguan/Caddy sur Golf 5
Posté par: murderous972 le 01 novembre 2021 à 15:00:34
Dernière partie avec les blocs en 19 octets qui sont ceux qui permettent de retrofitter beaucoup d'options présentes sur les modèles récents.

And, finally, the most "delicious" blocks that all owners of VAGs on PQ35 dream about)

19-byte blocks (20-byte, if 0 byte is considered as the 1st). All these blocks have a longitudinal acceleration sensor G251, they all have one iron revision H46, and all these blocks can be upgraded to 1K0907379CC , the current version is: 0175. So whoever wants a maximum block - it is not at all necessary to chase CC, you can find a slightly earlier the block is cheaper and flash it to CC, getting everything the same.

Of the additional buns that support these blocks:
PLA 3.0 - another improvement of the parking autopilot: it can park not only backwards, but also in front, requires even less space, works more accurately, etc.

BSD ( Blind Spot Detection, aka Side Assist ) - assistant blind spots. Everything is clear without further ado)

RTA ( Rear Traffic Alert) - a reverse parking assist, works in the presence of BSD (Side Assist), detects the presence of a car, if an obstacle is detected, it signals a danger, and in the event of a threat of collision, it can stop the car.

EPB ( Electronic Parking Brake, it Elektromechanische Feststellbremse.) - electromechanical parking brake (hammer).

Front Assist (aka FSA - Front Scan Assist) is an assistant for controlling the distance to the vehicle in front. It warns of a dangerous decrease in the distance to the car in front, and in case of a critical approach, it brakes the car itself.

AWV ( Anhalte weg verkürzung) is a stopping distance shortening system. It is an integral part of the Front Assist and also includes the RAB system ( Ready Alert Brake or Prefill - a system of preliminary preparation for braking). In the event of a dangerous reduction in the distance to the vehicle in front or an obstacle, the system reacts in 2 stages - preliminary warning ( AWV1 ) and main warning ( AWV2). In the event of a preliminary warning, a warning symbol is first displayed in the instrument cluster (in addition, an acoustic signal can be heard). At the same time, the brake system is pre-pressurized (Prefill) and the hydraulic brake assist (HBA) switches to "increased sensitivity". If the driver does not react, the system warns him with a short push. At the same time, the brake assistant switches to
"maximum sensitivity".

ACC ( Adaptive Cruise Control, it Automatische Distanzregelung.) - adaptive cruise control. Explanations are also superfluous). With these blocks, the adaptive cruise can work only starting from ~ 30 km / h, it also slows down itself only up to ~ 30 km / h (or up to ~ 15-20, after which it knocks out an error on the dashboard).

ESP Sport - the ability to partially deactivate the ESP system, transfer it to the so-called "sport" mode.

1K0907379BM ( 1K0907375BM , ATE numbers of units with firmware 0164: 10.0961-0376.3, 10.0622-3555.1, 28.5612-7408.3)
Hydraulic part number (unit assembled by ETKA): 1K0614517ED (ATE 10.0212-0984.4)

Installed from ~ late 2013 to ~ late 2014.

1K0907379BR ( 1K0907375BR , ATE numbers of units with firmware 0171: 10.0961-0382.3, 10.0622-3912.1, 28.5612-7408.3)
Hydraulic part number (unit assembled by ETKA): 1K0614517EF

Installed ~ mid 2015.

1K0907379BS ( 1K0907375BS , number of blocks ATE firmware 0166: 10.0961-0383.3, 10.0622-3965.1, 28.5612-7409.3)
Non-hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517EG (ATE 10.0212-1036.4), 1JD614517E (found on Chinese blocks, e.g. TaoBao, ATE number 10.0399-4429.4)

Installed from ~ late 2014 to ~ mid 2015.

1K0907379CA ( 1K0907375CA , ATE numbers: 10.0961-0388.3, ​​10.0625-3097.1, 28.5612-7421.3)
Hydraulic part number (block assembled according to ETKA): 1K0614517EF

Installed in ~ mid 2015.

1K0907379CB ( 1K0907375CB , ATE numbers of units with firmware 0174: 10.0961-0389.3, 10.0625-3190.1, 28.5612-7422.3)
Hydraulic part number (unit assembled by ETKA): 1K0614517EH (ATE 10.0212-1076.4)

Installed from ~ mid 2015 to ~ late 2015.

1K0907379CC ( 1K0907375CC , number of blocks ATE firmware 0175: 10.0961-0390.3, 10.0625-3253.1, 28.5612-7423.3)
Non-hydraulic part (block assembly according ETKA): 1K0614517EK (ATE 10.0212-1104.4), 1K0614517EJ (ATE 10.0212-1084.4)

It was installed from ~ late 2015-early 2016 to 01.2019, after which the remaining cars on the PQ platform (VW Passat NMS USA) switched to another generation of blocks.

L'installation de ces blocs nécessite quelques modifications concernant leur support qui sont différents des supports MK70/MK60.
Les durites sont également différentes car le diamètre ont changé.
Ce qui était en M12 est devenu du M10 et inversement.
Voici quelques références pour les éléments à remplacer.

Durite pour la roue droite : 1K1614724J
Durite pour la roue gauche : 1K1614723H
Durite pour le maitre cylindre : 1K1614739H
Durite pour le maitre cylindre : 1K1614740J
Partie haute support bloc : 1K0614235D
Partie basse support bloc : 1K1614235E

Les blocs 1K0907379AD et 1K0907379AE seraient à éviter car ils tomberaient souvent en panne. Mon garagiste m'avait indiqué qu'il avait souvent changé des blocs sur les premieres Golf VI GTI car ceux-ci étaient régulièrement HS.
La dernière version et la plus évoluée est la référence 1K0907379CC. Ces blocs pouvant être mis  jour, il n'est donc pas nécessaire de procurer une version CC qui est assez chère en occasion. Certaines références antérieures peuvent être mises  jour en fonction des besoins de chacun.